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Nov 24, 2010

Something you dont know about me..!!

1) Secretly imagine myself going to the gym to get myself that 6 sexy packs on my abs, but in reality I would probably end up too busy or too lazy.

2) Sometimes I imagine my future husband will look like Cristiano Ronaldo (that hot body!) but knowing this search will take me a lifetime, so i'm not too picky anymore.

3) Once in a while, I fart really loud when nobody's at home and I actually enjoyed it! :) i'm sure you do too!!! unless you're a robot!!!!

4) I cannot compromise friends that betrays me or those 2 butt faced people. They are the most disgusting people in the world!

5) I secretly punch the wall when I'm really angry, so if you see bruises on my hands then you know I've been really angry.

6) I have a habit of breaking things during my short tempered. And I've broken Shen's sunglasses and some CDs before, and I've accidently broken Duncan's rosary in the car... Sorry boys... it was Hulk who did those things!

7) Shopping is therapeutic for me. I find joy in something new when I'm sad. But I'm not a shopaholic.

8) I'm a workaholic - I cannot NOT work for too long... It actually drives me nuts. I'm not born to be a housewife too.

9) Sometime, I imagine what if I had chosen this other guy instead of this other guy... yeah... i'm sure you've heard that one before!

10) Last but not least, I have a thing for churches (especially old ancient ones with beautiful story behind it) I can't explain, it's just weird. If you'd like to impress me, take me to a church I've never been before and you tell me the story :)

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